In recent years, sports performers have come to realise that great technique and high levels of fitness DO NOT guarantee success. In fact, the thing that many consider to be even more important than either of these is MENTAL ABILITY. Mental ability nearly always makes the difference between being a WINNING athlete and being second best as it is the element that generates the vision, confidence, motivation, self-belief, concentration and effort that is required to SUCCEED at the highest level. THE MINDZONE PROGRAMME was developed by ANDY BARTON, one of the leading performance coaches in the UK. Andy's clients include some of the biggest names in sport and during this course he will teach you some of the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES and METHODOLOGIES he has used to help athletes perform at the very highest level. This programme is open to everyone, whether you want to coach sportspeople to PERFORM to their very best, are a sports person looking to IMPROVE your own performance or are interested in learning mental performance skills to use in another area of your life. Learn how to change your mental approach to sports performance and join THE MINDZONE PROGRAMME today. |
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